Alternative Lunchtime Activities and Spaces
We cater for a range of children’s interests and play preferences by providing alternative lunchtime activities and spaces.
- Library – Children have the opportunity to visit the library during Monday and Friday lunchtimes to read books.
- Multi Purpose Room – This is available every lunchtime for quiet, sit-down activities eg. drawing, chess, Lego, car mats etc.
- Lunchtime Code Club – It’s not just enough for children to know how to use technology and enjoy it. We want kids to understand how to create with technology- not just interact with it. Our Lunchtime Code Club is about having fun through creating, learning and exploring with others. We use a range of visual programming tools such as Scratch Jnr, Scratch and Made with Code. Students from every year level are welcome to join. This is held one lunchtime per week.
- Art Club/Zen Art – The artroom is open for allocated year levels to visit and participate in art activities on Tuesday (Years 3/4) and Thursday (Years 5/6) lunchtimes. Each Wednesday lunchtime the artroom is open for any student in years 3-6 to visit and participate in mindful art activities in a quiet space.
Student Representative Council (S.R.C.)
The S.R.C. provides an opportunity to promote student voice and engagement in our school. A male and female representative is elected by the students in each year level except the Prep level where teachers select representatives. Students can only be a class captain once between Prep and Year 5. In Year 6 the students vote for a school and vice captain as well as sports captains for each house team. House colours are Bosco House – Blue, Salesian House -Yellow, MacKillopHouse- Green and Savio House – Red. The SRC meet once a week and strengthen the student voice of the school, suggesting ideas and reporting back to their class. They also help with school activities, fundraisers and charity events.
Seasons Grief and Loss Program
This peer support program assists students with the loss and grief of a parent separation or a death of a family member, such as a grandparent or friend. Over the course of a 8 week period students meet once a week for an hour. They are provided with the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences and learn new strategies to cope with their own loss and grief.
Walking School Bus
Students walk to school with two of our parent volunteers learning important road safety skills along the way.
We are always looking for parent volunteers, if you would like to or your children would like to join please see Sommer Azzopardi.