Additional Student and Family Support

Program Support Group (PSG) Meetings

At times there is the need to provide additional support to students and/or families for a range of reasons, be that behaviour, academic, physical, social or emotional needs. We do thi through PSG meetings. This is an opportunity for home and school to work together in putting goals and strategies in place to enhance student growth.  Meeting members  include the Principal, Student Wellbeing Leader, parents, teachers, Learning Support Staff. When necessary external professionals such as speech pathologists, psychologists, occupational therapists may attend.


On occasion, students and /or parents may seek the support of our psychologist, Sami Midwood. Sami is available to meet with students/parents on the school premises to discuss solutions to concerns being experienced. The sessions are of no charge to the family. Sami will be visiting our school each week. To book an appointment please speak with Peter Monaghan, Helen Lannin or Sommer Azzopardi.