
  • Science teacher : Mrs Tran Bernard
  • Days at school: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Each week there will be one 40 minute science session for Prep to Year 6.

In Science lessons, students participate in a variety of activities and projects. Many of these activities are hands-on and encourage the students to be observers of the world and its properties. Once a year, we have a Family Science night, where everyone, including parents, can have fun and participate in experiments and activities.

In Prep to Year 2, the curriculum focus is on awareness of self and the local world. Students observe changes that can be large or small and happen quickly or slowly. They explore the properties of familiar objects and phenomena, identifying similarities and differences.

In Years 3 to 6, the emphasis is on recognising questions that can be investigated scientifically and undertaking investigations. These investigations are usually done in groups and at the end of a unit, students present their projects to the rest of the class.